Scoring good marks in board examination is the dream of every students, but only few makes it a reality. Scoring high in science is a tough game, but not an impossible one.
When we talk about the Science and Mathematics, we get scared, that how we are going to learn so many theorems and formulae and how we will apply it in examination. This thought remains in our mind throughout the year, due to which we end up with average marks.
The fact is, if you can’t work hard, work smart. And this is the only reality, if you work strategically, you can easily score high in your board examination.
Whenever we prepare for some game or any event, we prepare our course of action, strategically. We make our plan step by step, and same thing we have to do with our study.
Firstly, stop taking Science/Mathematics and studies as a burden on yourself. They are everywhere in your surroundings. Since your birth to till date, when you are reading this, you have gone through the various theorems, laws, formulae, etc. and applied many of them. Science is with you every single moment. So, don’t be scared by science.
Now we will discuss some steps/strategies to prepare for scoring high marks in CBSE Board examination.
Step 1:- For scoring high, the first thing you should know is the index of your book. I mean to say that you should be aware of each unit and chapter of your subject book. Before starting your study, prepare the index of each subject. Remember one thing, you can’t revise complete book in one day, but you can go through the index of the subject book everyday.
Let us understand it more clearly. For briefing I will talk about NCERT class XII Physics book. It contains 14 chapters divided in 9 Units. Further if I have to make index for this, I will start with Unit-Chapter-Topics-Subtopics.
Now, if remember this index, then I can easily find out the topics which are clear to me and the topics on which I have to give extra efforts.
Indexing will downsize the load of revision, and one can easily do the revision from the index portion.
Step 2:- Once you have prepared the Index of the particular subject, check for the weightage which CBSE has allotted to each unit. The key point to note here is that CBSE will ask questions from a particular Unit/chapter from the marks allotted to that unit/chapter.
Step 3:- Next important step is to check the pattern of the examination. I always emphasis on the pattern of the examination, as this will help you to know about what to study and how to study. How many sections are there? What number of questions will be there in each section? How the marks are allotted to each section? And most importantly, what kind of question is asked in each section? After having a look on the pattern of the examination, checkout the topology of the question.
Step 4:- “How to study?” is the next step. This is the main portion of your strategy. It should be given proper time and dedication, then only you can go for high score. And as I said earlier, “if you can’t work hard, work smart”, is the base line for this portion. “Work smart” doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work hard, it means that, in a limited time frame, you should be able to achieve higher marks. To do the smart work, you have to dedicatedly analyze your book and the previous years question papers. When you will finish with your analysis, a number of doubts will be cleared.
Now, if you combine all the steps, you will get your plan of action to score higher marks in upcoming board exams.
I hope that students have been benefitted by this piece of information.
Stay tuned for upcoming articles. As, I am going to tell you selectively for each subject [Physics; Chemistry; Biology and Mathematics for class 12 and Science & Mathematics for class 10].
Till then, just remember one thing,
“Believe in Yourself and Let The Magic Happen”